
PROCRASTINATION. oh, and Christmas!

Wow! It has been FOREVER since I have posted anything! Ok maybe not forever, but like 5 months. This school year is going by so fast! Some classes are really easy, but there are some that I really have to work hard in! But I LOVE HIGH SCHOOL SO MUCH MORE THIS YEAR!!!!!!!! I have grown closer to the friends that I want to be closer to, and now they are my best friends EVER! Football season ended in November, and marching ended in October. Contests went better than last year, but STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH!

Thanks for blocking part of the picture, dude.
November and December were mostly filled with lots of tests, but that's okay, I finally had time to study! It was great! I also had some great times with some of my best friends, Katie, Sarah, Marshall, and Abbi on the weekends! It was great! In this past month we have gone cow punching twice and it is SO MUCH FUN!!!!! I am definitely looking forward to doing it again!


We like riding around on Katie's golf cart!

Now it is Christmas Eve! That means tomorrow is CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! Kenny, Megan,

Will, and Breanna are all here. Jacob and Pierina are spending Christmas in Seattle with

Pierina's family, but that's ok because we got them for Thanksgiving!

Merry Christmas!


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