
AP Office Note

So, last week when Mom was gone, I was expecting to be getting an office note to go get a bus pass. So when I got a note to go to the AP (assistant principal) Office in 1st period science, I thought nothing of it. When I got there, I had to sign in, which I never had to do before to get a bus pass, and wait. I was really confused. The AP called my name, so I went to her office and sat dow and said Hi. She turned around and had this stern and very scary look on her face, and then the confusion was building more and more every second. She asked me where I sat in the morning in the cafeteria waiting on the first bell to ring, so I kindly said, "I sit on the side of the cafeteria where the bus riders come in at the second table from the stage." She asked, "You don't sit on the car rider side at the first table from the stage?" "No", I replied. SHe said, "Oh, then I guess I have the wrong person. Sorry for pulling you out of class." I told her that I had gotten mixed up with another Marissa before, and that I thought her last name started with a Z. Thus ended our conversation. As I was walking back to class, I remembered that in the morning when I was talking to someone in the cafeteria, I remembered someone calling my name, so I turned around and the person (who i didn't recognize) wasn't even looking at me. Now, in 4th period Spanish, I got another note to go to the AP Office. I was thinking, Oh great, they didn't find the other Marissa. But, when I got there, it was simply to get my bus pass, no sign-in required.


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