
Wow, I fail at this blogging thing.

I don't want to write the history of my life. So I guess here's a quick review of the past 6 months:
February: nothing significant.
March: Spring break. I honestly don'e even remember what I did.
April: Band contest. That's all I remember.
May: School ended.
June: Girls camp.
July: EFY.

Also, this summer I've been learning how to drive and nannying these girls:

and their sister who was asleep when I took this picture. It's so so much fun, but very exhausting! They pretty much consider me their personal jungle gym.

We just came back from Nauvoo and Missouri. It was a fun trip and the country there is beautiful!

Let's see. Colorado soon! Band right after that!

Oh! Yesterday I had another sectional in the game room. It was productive, but there is always room for improvement :)

FRIDAY IS DCI! Do you know what that is?!?!?!?!? DRUM CORPS INTERNATIONAL. That means I get to see the top 10 marching bands in the WORLD perform in HOUSTON. I am so excited.

The plan is to march piccolo this year. Even though it's the same fingerings as the flute, the feeling of your mouth is completely different! It's been a challenge teaching myself how to play it and it makes me extremely light headed, but oh well I'm excited.

The chiropractor claims to be able to cure my vertigo. Sounds great, but as of now my back hurts.

Sorry if it was painful to read this, I'm scatter brained right now if you hadn't noticed. It's been a looooong day.