

happy birthday dad!

happy birthday penny!

this was meant for yeterday, but today will have to do! i can't beleive my puppy, yes, MY puppy, is 5!


time for high school

well, summer vacation is over. the lake trip was awesome, and all 3 of my readers know that because they were there. so i have no explaining to do, and all of my pictures are on facebook. tomorrow i start high school. a new chapter in the book, or rather book in the series, of my life. in the words of my good friend, I am "nervous but excited, happy but sad, exhausted but full of energy!"



our whole family is in houston! yay! i can't wait until friday! i can't wait to not go to marching practice, but instead attend one of the best weeks of summer! VACATION!



i can't wait to go to lake lbj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.jpg

marching practice.

arrive at 8 am. stretch. march. march. drill. drill. water break! march. march. (repeat until 11am.) go inside. stand up some more and play music until 12. lunch! tuesday thursday:go home! monday wednesday friday: come back at 1. play music until 3. then go home!

today we got little book things and were given a number. we found our spot for the first set. i still dont really understand what the directors are talking about, but hopefully i will catch on.


marching camp

summer is officially over for me. sigh. i started marching camp yesterday. learned all the basics from ben ten hut to backwards marching. starting monday i have marching practice everyday until school starts. well, except for the week of the lake. i am glad that we have vacation so i can miss a week, but i am sure i will be regretting it later because i will be behind. that is ok. i will catch up. somehow. i also have a summer reading assignment hanging over my head right now. treasure island. joy. i couldn't read the other book because it has a bad scene in it. i have heard that it is the better of the two books, but it is inappropriate, thus i have to read the more boring of the two in which you cannot understand what they are talking about because they are flipping pirates! and i have to do a project about it! well, at least i have one thing to look forward to: the lake trip.