

I am wondering when Breanna will add a new post to her blog....


Before Paint

This is before the paint. Some of the pictures turned out kinda funky and it looks like there are already splotches of paint, but there aren't. 

Look What I Found!


I AM PAINTING MY ROOM TOMORROW AND I AM SOOOO EXCITED! Before and after pictures to come later this week.


SPURS Training

Today I went to this Girl Scout thing at their stables. They have like 40 horses. We were getting trained to be able to be in this program called SPURS (Super People Using Riding Skills....corny i know). Anyways, I can't even be in it because today I found out that you have to go for 3 weekends to advance a level, and a weekend consists of Fri. night to Sun. afternoon. Basically we learned how to take care of them and rode them for 5 mins. 


Brazos Bend State Park

These are just some of the alligators we saw while we were at Brazos Bend State Park. We saw 18 total.

King's Orchard

These pictures don't do the strawberries I picked justice. They were very bright red. I say "were" because we have eaten almost all of them! They are so delicious! And in the 2nd picture, when we were there, you could see red mixed in with the green.

This Week

Monday-Piano Lessons, And NO HOMEWORK!!!!!!! Because of Tuesday!

Tuesday-TAKS. Reading. Blech. Oh well, at least it's done! Oh, and Grammie had knee replacement surgery. Girl Scouts.

Wednesday-Home alone all day basically. Mom and Dad went to the Rodeo (courtesy of the Meehan's) and saw Alan Jackson. Lucky. Anyways, they got home at midnight. I was supposed to stay up, but, yeah right, I was out on the brown chair by 10. At church, we talked about Youth Conference. I am so excited! We are traveling to the Land of Nephi. We'll have costumes and there will be wars and everything. 

Thursday-Home alone again. Braden had his annual doctor appt. downtown at 3, which really meant 4 to his doc. Cleaned my room, homework, etc.

Friday-Emily Ferris came over because her mom went to a single adult camp by Livingston. Piano duet recital. Braden was with Brayden Hughes, and I was with a girl whose lesson was right after mine. Went and saw Grammie. Ate at Chili's.

Saturday-Grammie came home. Emily had a soccer tourney. 3rd place. Blocked 6 pk's. Braden had a tkd tourney. 1st place in patterns and sparring. Against 6th and 7th graders. I went Strawberry Picking with Katrina. The strawberries are SOOOOOOOO good! Mom, Dad, Grammie, and Braden had strawberry shortcake while me and Emily were watching a movie and didn't even tell us. It made me mad. 

Night between S&S-1 less hour of sleep!

Sunday-Went to church. Got there late b/c Mom had to help Grammie with something before we left her home alone. Emily's mom picked her up. Now I am doing this. we will probably make another Bellatrix movie. 

Next Week-9week tests, and then Spring Break! Tanner and Logan are coming down probably.


Pre-Girls Camp Campout

This weekend, we did all of our pre-certification for Girls Camp. We went and slept at the Hrncrick's property, and in the morning we went to Brazos Bend State Park. (Pictures to come soon. I hope) On Friday, after having fabulous foil dinners, we told stories around the campfire. We convinced the younger girls that at Camp TaKuLa, there was an old lady, known as the "Hook Lady". And they all believed us that at night she goes around to make sure no one is out of their cabin with her hatchet in her only hand. The other was a hook. Also, she scrapes the windows at night to make sure you are asleep. So, pranks are pretty much carved out. The camp director was with our ward when we were telling them the story, and she is even considering getting a hook and scratching the windows at night. In the morning, we drove an hour and a half to Brazos Bend State Park. We hiked 3 miles in the cold wind, and saw 18 alligators. It was scary, but so cool at the same time. We had a blast, and Mom said we'll have to go back some day because it was just so pretty and too neat not to. We even went to this little nature center, where you could touch a baby alligator and a snake. I didn't want to touch them. But Mom made me touch the alligator. She said, come on, you've got to outdo your brother on something he thinks is cool. Luckily, I don't think she knew about the snake.